
Saturday, September 25, 2010

Just in time for Halloween

Halloween is just around the corner and Gizmodo posted this blog with old prostetics. Just says Halloween to me. Super creepy stuff check it out.

Update: Apparently this page isn't working anymore but I'm gonna leave the post cause you could possibly search for the pics

Saturday, September 4, 2010

To all my friends and family...

So I couldn't sleep tonight and it wasn't the restless type can't sleep that I usually have. I was literally lying in bed wide awake thinking I should be asleep. So I decided to study a little bit and got out of bed. As usual though my studies led me to Facebook (funny how that seems to be where I end up every time I study) and to just playing a little bit of catch up (aka Facebook stalking).  

As I went I came across a friends note. As I was reading this note I realized that I didn't know anything about what he was talking about (at least not in the recent sense). The more I thought about it, the more I realized that I hadn't been checking out notes recently and that I hadn't been checking on friends. Even further I realized that I wasn't paying attention to what I consider the important things in friends and family. 

Recently there has been a lot going on in my life. Suffice it to say that I have several options on my plate and I don't know which one I am going to choose in any way. I have been very focused on all of that and making sure that it is going well and trying to get things going the way that I think they should go. So much so that I have neglected people. Things that I should have known were slipping right past me and people that I haven't talked to in a while were standing right in front of me and I wasn't saying a word. 

I guess what I am trying to say (in my long winded way that I say things) is that I am sorry. I am sorry that I was so focused on myself that I forgot to look out for my friends. I am sorry that I was so focused on myself that I couldn't see where other people needed me. I am sorry that if you tried to talk to me I ignored you. I am sorry! 

I don't know where life is going for me right now. I trust God and take it one day at a time but from now on instead of trusting God while keeping one hand on the controls. I am going to use that hand to do what I should have been doing all along...helping those who God has put close to me.